Hi all it's been quite a while since I came in and just wrote. I thought I would start with the enormous shifts of energy occurring in August and how I've been feeling, what I've been experiencing now it's coming to a close.
Well what a month, it has felt as though August will never end, it just seems to be going on forever and ever with no end in site. August brought us into the 8'th month, the karmic month of creation of clearing through all that no longer serves us and releasing karma, negativity, negative situations but also being open to the experiences of having to learn certain things, lessons and coming into a bigger, broader learning perspective. It has also been massively a completion phase of reaping all the rewards of learning already done, experiences mastered and being able to fully see this, how much work we've put in and what benefits we've come into and conquered along the path.
For me it has felt like a shifting in potential lifetimes of lessons, blockages, fear and guilt, which had started occurring near the end of July with the opening of the Lion's Gate which occurred on the 8'th of August. Being able to recognise this and consciously work towards removing the blocks in order to move forward into purpose.
Coming into a balance of polarities of complete self-love, healing all aspects within the self of the constantly changing dualities of masculine and feminine. I have been having some really crazy dreams which when brought back into the now space and interpreted make complete sense to what my subconscious mind wants me to know and do. It is amazing and always amazes me what our dream state is trying to tell us and how it helps us on our healing journey. Of course action is always hard, harder than thought. It's easier to keep those daydreams present and continue on with life, but being able to put thought into action is something altogether different. Clearing through the many different houses and rooms that were becoming present during dream state showed me that the connection between dream symbolism and waking reality is real. Houses symbolising our self while the different rooms symbolising the different aspects of psyche, cleaning up the mind that's for sure! Going through the process of opening curtains along the way and bringing the light in, not hiding away from it but facing those deep, dark shadows and moving forward with it.

I'll just talk a little about some dream symbolism and hope it can help anyone else out there.
Babies, newborns- birthing purpose stepping into creating something new on your path.
Awakened third eye symbol-awakening to those gifts of intuition, healing and psychic abilities
Cleaning rooms- cleaning out the mind.
Opening curtains- letting and allowing the light to come into your life, facing the shadow self.
Doors- opening to a new way/world, opening to different possibilities and ideas, being open to change.
Pool(dirty) - clearing through the emotional bodies, clearing out negative emotions and thinking.
These are just a few of the things I've been seeing in my dream state, how have your dreams been?

As we come to the end of August I have just been in a total space of now and self-love and unconditional love of the nothingness but the everything all in one. I give thanks to everyone on my journey and I give thanks to myself as I look back at how far I have come and I embrace and look forward to all the new possibilities and experiences that await me/us.
How has your August been, I would love to hear.
Sending all my love Kathy xxx
Please connect with me on my facebook page Living Like an Onion, I would love to get to know you and work with you.

Snake Magic with Leanne Burong-Black

Transformation with Snake energy

Snake Magic with Leanne Burong-Black

As most of you know I have an affinity with nature. I am happiest and at peace when out connecting with the elements, at one with all that is around me. I love all the seasons… witnessing their changing cycles. I especially love to acknowledge the signs nature gifts me along my journey. The messages guiding and encouraging me to flow with the energy I feel.

I love exploring the local bush, river waterways and of course our magnificent coastline… always sharing this with my faithful doggy companion Mishy. To me, nature contains all the magic of healing and wisdom.

Snake Energy

Recently, the snake energy has entered my awareness. Like most people, I have always held a respectful yet ‘alerted to danger’ kind of response to these beautiful creatures. Keep away from me….and I’ll keep away from you!

On a recent visit to the Greenough Wildlife Park with thirty plus Kindy kids in toe, we were all offered to have a hold of the owner, Michelle’s, treasured pet carpet python. I was the lucky last. I decided to face my fear and assumed I would have a little hold like the others. NO! She gently placed her pet around my shoulder…turned her back to me, and began to share her passionate teachings about Australian reptiles! When you’re passionate about something, you tend to talk for a long time…..this is exactly what happened!!! 

I knew that this experience was meant to be, so I surrendered and just allowed this snake energy to connect. I was surprised as a wave of deep calmness flowed through me. This most beautiful creature dissolved all remnants of fear I held….and I was enveloped in an energy of peace, of trust, of love. I began to feel myself swaying with the snakes’ rhythm…and felt that pull to be drawn into a meditative state. That is until I was brought back to the reality of standing in front of a fair sized group of children, teachers and parents!

Birthing New Life

Now snakes are a regular sighting at this time of the year, with the weather warming up and I am told it is also breeding season. The birthing of new life. My son, Izaac stumbled upon a snake in our yard….and I also found a sign up at the church where our meditation classes are held warning “BEWARE SNAKE”. I stood holding the sign looking around. Now I am not sure if I was failing to get the message, but my latest encounter sure pushed the point!

Angel Beside Me

Walking home from a morning walk along the beach, I was lost in thought about a beautiful white fluffy feather that had floated on my path. I sensed a feeling of protection. Like an angel was walking beside me.  Mishy suddenly alerted me to a presence! A large dugite had sprang out from a hole underneath the pathway I was walking. I remembered Michelle’s words of wisdom….to turn and calmly walk away….but NO! This snake was protecting its home and proceeded to chase Mishy and I along the path. A passing driver was witness to this and drove his car up the curb ….the snake retreated back to its hole. I must say that this would have been a hilarious sight. A funniest home video winner for sure. The snake did not bite us…and believe me we were very close…..but I got her message.

OK snake…I think it’s time I listen. I felt her message in the symbolism of her shed skin near the entrance to her hole. The shedding of the old, a time of renewal…of rebirth as she emerges from the underworld of her hole….having faced the shadows of self, integrating the changes to begin again the next cycle of life. Emerging out to receive the energy of the sun … filling her renewed form with Light.


In meditation I decided to connect with this exotic primordial energy of the Divine snake. I visioned a stairway leading up. Each step forward I felt my energy rising…a new level of understanding emerging. Within the temple, at the peak, I felt a powerful yet gentle transformation as I saw the melding of the masculine and feminine energies blend into a potent Divine energy. A marriage and I was the child. The snake energy flowed in an erotic dance of continual evolution, rising higher and higher into finer and lighter frequencies….. expanding….balancing and harmonising…leaving me with a deep sense of inner peace.

I too am emerging from the stillness of my inner retreat and I am feeling the call to step forward along my path, to share more of my journey. I wasn’t listening to this call before, so this is the nudge I needed. A beginning of something new, to trust as I am being guided forward …and to where this will be is yet to unfold.

I give my eternal gratitude and thanks to the message of the snake energy. This was the push I needed to finally share my world and write a blog. So next time a snake crosses your path…listen to the messages it shares. It may be just the sign you need.

In Love and Light

Leanne xxx

Transformational Healing and Meditation with Leanne Here

Kathy Couper

Kathy is from the small coastal town of Dongara - Port Denison in Western Australia.  She began her journey with LUXOR Light in 2014 attending meditation classes with ChristinA.  It was obvious from the beginning that Kathy was at home within the energy of LUXOR Light.  Pregnant at the time and with two small boys she had to take a break for family commitments, but Kathy never let her connection go and it wasn't long before she decided to participate in the LUXOR Light Ascension Program online.  This meant Kathy was able to focus on her family and her new found love of LUXOR Light and accessing the pure consciousness of Presence.  Working with the energy almost daily meant that Kathy was never out of the energy and so her strength of presence grew rapidly.

Hands on Healing Practitioner of LUXOR Light

As a natural progression, Kathy decided she really wanted to step into becoming a LUXOR Light Healing Practitioner with ChristinA and so took part in both practical levels to the Advanced Practitioner level which includes the distant healing component of the course.

Kathy was an instant hit!  It seems she is a natural when it comes to working with energy and she just soaks up more and more knowledge and wisdom, growing with every healing session she does.

Kathy specialises in hands on energy work and Distant Healing work to anywhere in the world.  If you would like an energy session with Kathy you can contact her below

Phone:  042 969 2332

Email:  couperk@yahoo.com

Connect with Kathy on Facebook Here just send her a message.

Do you have a Session with Kathy?

Pay Kathy Here

Leanne Burong Black

Leanne Burong-Black

Leanne Burong-Black

LUXOR Light Ascension Meditation Specialist

Leanne Burong-Black is a fully qualified LUXOR Light meditation facilitator and assists ChristinA in running meditation in Port Denison, Western Australia.

Everyone that knows Lea will agree that she is one of those people who have that something special; a natural Light Worker shining her light wherever the rest of the world can benefit. Since 2011 Lea been forging her path within LUXOR Light as a healing practitioner and now also as a facilitator of LUXOR Light Meditation and ascension programs.  

A mother of 4 Lea has dedicated her life to her husband and children and now as they grow older she adds more roles to her life now that she has found that little bit of time to dedicate to her path as a Healing Practitioner and LUXOR Light meditation facilitator.  

Lea has an affinity with nature and that connection to our Blessed Mother Earth shines through in all she does. While receiving healing with Lea you can literally hear what sounds like fire crackers as the blockages release and the healing takes place and she has also opened to the higher levels of Sacred Sound and the Language of Light that amplifies the healing process through the multi-dimensional levels including accelerating the healing of the DNA.  I'm excited to have Lea among our Facilitators group and feel blessed that she chose LUXOR Light as her path.

If you would like healing with Lea, you can find her in Dongara, Western Australia

Phone Lea on:  0400058155

You can read more about Leanne here www.leanneburong.com

ChristinA Ritchie Ascension Specialist

ChristinA Ritchie inside the World's Oldest Olive Tree in Crete

Ascension Specialist

It was ChristinA's 44th birthday and she was blanketed into a deep trance like state where she lost all consciousness followed by a deep sleep that lasted more than 12 hours.  She awoke the following morning on the 4th March 2004 still without full function of the body and as the energy began to lift she was thrown in a full body spasming fit-like state.  This continued for another 5 hours.  Her aura glowed violet and green and any hint of crystal energy around her sent her catapulting back into the same energetic reaction. 

It was ChristinA's "Awakening" and the birthing of a Dynamic and Powerful Healing Frequency returning to Earth through the Earthly Channel to become known as LUXOR Light.

For many years ChristinA had been experiencing a form of movement in the body during meditation, but not having studied yogic practices was unaware of what it meant. She used the experience to learn about her energy bodies and how to measure frequencies that were clearly accelerating through the process.  In the process of dedicated "Self" study and sharing her energy with a small group of willing participants ChristinA was able to watch how the energy she was activating was being transferred to others. 

The advanced stages of Kundalini transformation is a purifying action taking charge of the whole body.  In ChristinA's case she clears for others through her own Being, able to shift blockages through even large groups of people through her own ability to process through her own kundalini channel. 

Through surrendering use of her mind and body to the higher-self, she utilises the energy to bring beautiful transformative healing through her Self to others and has discovered the way to transfer this ability in what has become the Ascension program known as LUXOR Light.

The loss of consciousness was not something new to ChristinA as deep sleep-like states had been a regular thing developing gradually from her early 20's and began to come more often to her when she embarked upon her journey working with the frequencies of Light and Colour.  It was normal for her and not something she assumed was anything "out of the norm".  ChristinA has been known to go into deep states losing consciousness for up to 12 hours at a time, during which she reports moving from being fully aware of everything around her to seemingly being in another area of the world or reality at the same time to having no recollection of time or space at all until the slow process of return to earthly function and the body struggling to operate for some hours or even days afterwards.  Her natural explanation was that she was always "tired" and drawn into a deep sleep, but sleep did not fit the description of her experience until she learned what it was she was doing.  Someone once threw water over her in panic thinking she was dead because she had been gone for most part of the day and seemed not to be breathing.  They shook her, screamed at her, pinched her, massaged her feet and all the while she could hear them but she could not respond to them and her physical body did not respond to them.  Eventually she knew she had to command herself back because she was fully aware of their panic.  Now with the understanding of what state she enters she utilises this process for healing others.

The energy or frequency known as LUXOR Light carries the mission to awaken the Buddha within the ascension candidate.  Many participants of LUXOR Light awaken to the process of a highly charged kundalini bringing them to the point where they may attain full awakening and eventually to the Realised Self.  

ChristinA Ritchie 
Sacred Sound, Language of Light, 
Healing and Meditation Specialist

Founder and Principle and Guardian LUXOR Light 

ChristinA's path of Awakening came from a dedication of following her Truth and working from cellular memory of that which she has known in previous existences.  Her day of Awakening on 4 March 2004, the day after her 44th birthday began a process of commitment to assisting other to raise thier consciousness, and walking the path of the Bodhisattva; that is one who commits to serving to help others to Self Realisation.

You can find out more about ChristinA on her website or email her if you are interested in healing, workshops or public programs in your area of the world.  

ChristinA lives in Luxor, Egypt at the LUXOR Light Centre for Ascension  and is now in Union with her Twin Flame and has been downloaded with a system to bring Harmony and Union between Twin Flames.  You can find out more here at www.danceofthetwinflame.blogspot.com  

If you would like to book a healing with ChristinA please visit www.luxorlightascension.com/sessions-with-me

Personal Email luxorlight@yahoo.com.au

Julie Fraser

Julie Fraser

Julie Fraser

Advanced LUXOR Light Healing Practitioner
Qualified LUXOR Light Ascension Meditation Specialist

Julie’s introduction to LUXOR Light began in 2010 with a personal healing from ChristinA while visiting from the Uk.  She was drawn to continue her journey with LUXOR Light in 2011 when she relocated back home to Perth after 10 years in the UK.   After completing the three month LUXOR Light Healing Ascension Program Julie continued through to the Advanced healing practitioner workshops.

Julie is a LUXOR Light Advanced Healing Practitioner Julie and works from home in Lesmurdie, Western Australia combining her skills as a Life and Personal Leadership Coach to assist you with releasing blocks and restrictions that are holding you back.

Julie has a vibrant, happy personality that makes everyone feel like they have known her forever.  She is easy to talk to and with her extensive background working with people, her natural warmth and open mind is sure to have you knowing you have come to the right place for healing.  Julie's passion is to empower people so  when you leave Julie you are sure to not only feel "lighter" but doubly "brighter"!!

Meditation Classes with Julie Fraser

Julie is a fully qualified LUXOR Light Ascension Meditation Facilitator and begins new meditation programs soon in the Lesmurdie / Kalumunda area of Perth Western Australia.

You can contact Julie to book your healing session or attend a meditation class on

Mobile Phone:  +61 467 468 000 or Email: julie@juliefraser.com.au

Julie's Website www.juliefraser.com.au

Naeleen Jennings

Naeleen Jennings LUXOR Light
Naeleen Jennings LUXOR Light

Naeleen began her journey with LUXOR Light Ascension in  October 2005 after 9 months of seeing the LUXOR Light symbol in the local Nova Magazine in Western Australia.  Naeleen says every month it spoke to her and eventually she said "I have to do that course" and so her journey with LUXOR Light began.

Naeleen is a fully qualified LUXOR Light Energy Healing Specialist living and working from Mt Gambier in South Australia.  Naeleen's bubbly and joyful personality coupled with the power of the LUXOR Light energy that passes through her clear channel will have you amping up your own frequencies in no time.

LUXOR Light Healing opens your higher chakras and assists you to heal on all levels activating the higher dimensional chakra system.

LUXOR Light Meditation Specialist

Naeleen has just completed Level One LUXOR Light Meditation Specialist qualifications in Egypt with ChristinA of LUXOR Light Ascension and is now running LUXOR Light meditations every Wednesday evening in Mt Gambier.  

An immersion into the energies of LUXOR Light through meditation with Naeleen can assist you to align with your Higher Self and bring greater balance and harmony into your life.  LUXOR Light is a portal to Higher Consciousness.   

Begin your journey to Self and awakening to greater healing within with Naeleen in Mt Gambier Now....

Pay Naeleen Here

You can contact Naeleen on 

Phone:  0438819380

You can also follow Naeleen on Facebook here