LUXOR Light Energy Specialist

The LUXOR Light Symbol

Finding a LUXOR Light Energy Specialist

The LUXOR Light facilitators and teachers on this website are recognised as LUXOR Light facilitators that carry and work the energy in it's purity.  If you are seeking a LUXOR Light healing you should first enquire as to where the practitioner or facilitator acquired their training and who their teacher was.  If they are not listed on this website it is most likely they are either not truly of the LUXOR Light lineage or they are not working the energy in it's purity.

What do we mean?
LUXOR Light is a very powerful frequency, with a specific purpose of assisting the individual toward their ascension to anchor their I Am Presence.  Some individuals find that during the process of accessing the energy of their I Am Presence, they then choose to go off on their own without any further contact with the LUXOR Light group consciousness.  Often they are also working with other frequencies such as Reiki, Seichim and so on but this confuses the energies being channeled.  

 To be truly working in the purity of LUXOR Light a practitioner makes a choice to work with the purity of the LUXOR Light energy.  LUXOR Light is not simply a technique but rather a specific energy with a specific purpose.  Those who know the energy know how powerfully it can move chaos from your field and sometimes this is uncomfortable for some people.  It will usually override other energy systems and because of that sometimes people will pass it off as Reiki because Reiki is more widely known and feel this will attract clients to them.  This is not working in integrity with the purity of the energy, nor is it being true or honoring to the energy or lineage of LUXOR Light nor in integrity with Reiki or the other healing lineages either.

LUXOR Light will often leave an individual who is not in integrity with the energy or lay dormant until such time as the individual makes a commitment to the purity of frequency itself and it will not stay in the field of someone who is indecisive as to whether they wish to carry it or not.  This is a Divine Energy that assists you to access your own Divine Self; it is a vehicle and not everyone is able to travel in that vehicle if they are not in truth and integrity with the purpose of LUXOR Light.

If you wish to experience a pure experience with LUXOR Light, you should seek out those who are recognised within the system of LUXOR Light.

If you seek to know if someone is of the true LUXOR Light lineage, working in it's purity and you can't find them on the list of LUXOR Light Whose Who, you can contact us at  

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